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[Expo] Dabeeo attended the Satellite Show 2024, the largest satellite exhibition in the United States.
2024-04-08 조회수 2338
🤗 The Satellite Show 2024, the largest satellite exhibition in the United States, was held in
Washington DC from March 18 to 21. As befitting the largest exhibition in the field of space and
satellites, numerous companies participated and showcased their innovations. Airbus, which
formed a partnership with Dabeeo last year, was also present.
Dabeeo, renowned for its global-level satellite image analysis technology, participated
in the event for the first time this year, welcoming visitors to its booth.👋
In addition to companies in the aerospace, space, and satellite industries, government and private sector stakeholders responsible for national defense and security from various countries,
along with software companies like Dabeeo, were present to exchange the latest technologies
and trends at the Satellite Show 2024.
🌏 Dabeeo is engaged in a diverse range of Geo Intelligence businesses, including super resolution transformation of multi-source imagery of satellite, aviation and drones, urban change detection, surveillance and reconnaissance, climate impact analysis, forest monitoring, and 3D reconstruction, utilizing advanced AI analysis technology. Many attendees visited the booth and made various inquiries. We plan to continue communication and explore new business opportunities in the future.
Following its selection as a defense innovation company last year and being selected
as the first investment firm of a defense innovation fund invested by LIG Nex1 and others in March,
Dabeeo, a leading company in the domestic defense market, is expected to further excel in the global market following this event.🙏
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Dabeeo, Selected as 1st investment company for Defense Fund created by LIG Nex1, accelerating business expansion in defense sector
Join Dabeeo on the path to becoming a global leader.